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Call for nominations

Nominations are now invited for the next WAPCEPC board elections.

The WAPCEPC board

The board of the WAPCEPC is an executive Board. It looks after the day–to-day management of the WA - the administration, finances, Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, the journal of the World Association, membership, website, the WA newsletter Encounter, and any other tasks that further the aims of the WA.

The board reflects the variety of nationalities, cultures and traditions in PCE, but does not represent or favour any particular group of members or interests.

The Board can have a maximum of 9 members and when elected, there is a self-selection process within the new Board in assigning the various roles and tasks including Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

How to apply

To apply you need to be a paid up current member of WAPCEPC, with two other members proposing you, and the following details:

  • A digital photograph of yourself to upload
  • A short statement of up to 400 words, saying who you are and what you would be able and like to offer the Association if elected.
  • Details of the two proposers
  • Information on any specific tasks you would be willing to undertake (e.g Journal, Magazine, Memebership, Website, events, etc)

The application is online. Please first login then follow the link below.

Board nomination